Nano-systems: research and applications on Cultural Heritage
11-12 May 2017
Conference and Workshop on Nanomaterials
Nanorestart, VenariaReale, IGIIC
Venaria Reale – Torino – Italy CCR Centro Conservazione e Restauro La VenariaReale
Nanomaterials exhibit characteristics that are peculiar and different than those of bulk materials. This can result in enhanced chemical, electrical, magnetic and optical properties that are advantageous for numerous applications.
The “Nanoscience revolution” has begun forty years ago. Its impact has grown to the point that the word “nanoscience” no longer refers to individual inventions, but instead it indicates the creation and development of entirely new technologies, thanks to the formulation of smart and functionalized materials that often exploit the ability of matter to self-assemble.
Nowadays, it seems hard to imagine the world of conservation of cultural heritage without introducing the use of materials and products generated by nanoscience.
The meeting organized by the European project Nanorestart, by the Center for the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “La Venaria Reale”, and by IGIIC, aims to explore the world of nanosystems applied to the conservation of cultural heritage, creating a conference that focuses onthree essential sections:
- Four practical workshops around the application methodologies and the use of some nanosystems
- Lectures and presentations on the theoretical, research and implementation aspects of nanomaterials
- A final debate on the validation protocols involved when a new material is proposed to the world of conservation
The event’s official language is Italian, except for two presentations of foreign researchers that will be held in English. For non italian speakersreal time translation will be available through headphones , from Italian to English, only for the oral presentations (not during the practical activities).
May 11, 2017, Thursday
IMP: Workshop inscriptions are closed, you could register to the Conference
1st cycle 9:30-11:00 or 2nd cycle 11.15-12.45 or 3rd cycle on day 12 16.00-17.30
Innovative materials for cleaning works of art: a practical introduction to the use of a new generation of gels
Nicole Bonelli, PhD, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
Giovanna Poggi, PhD, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
1° Cicle 9:30-11:00 or 11.15-12.45 or on day 12th 16.00-17.30
The use of nanomaterials for the cleaning of paint layers: the removal of atmospheric particulate matter and non-original varnishes from paintings of the twentieth century
Luciano Pensabene Buemi, Head of conservation – Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venice;
Maria Laura Petruzzellis, Nanorestart Fellow – Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venice;
9:30-11:00 or 11.15-12.45 or on day 12th 16.00-17.30
The use of nanosystems in the conservation of graphic art on paper
Antonio Mirabile, Conservator, Paris
9:30-11:00 or 11.15-12.45 or on day 12th 16.00-17.30
Application of innovative protective materials from non-toxic solvents for the conservation of copper-based alloys
Gabriella Di Carlo PhD, Researcher, CNR – ISMN;
Stefano Lanuti, Conservator, Rome
11:00-11:15 Coffee break
12:45-14:00 Lunch
Stefano Trucco, President CCR – Centro ConservazioneRestauro “La VenariaReale”;
Rosanna Piervittori, Presidente Corso di Laurea Magistrale in Conservazione e Restauro dei Beni Culturali, S.U.S.C.O.R. Università degli Studi di Torino
Michela Cardinali, Director of restoration workshops, CCR Centro Conservazione Restauro “La VenariaReale”
Nanoscience and its contribution to the conservation of Cultural Heritage
Piero Baglioni, The Chair of Physical Chemistry, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
Gels and emulsions: theoretical aspects
Piero Baglioni, The Chair of Physical Chemistry, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
Focal Plane Array (FPA) Imaging FTIR: applications to Cultural Heritage conservation
David Chelazzi PhD, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
Nanostructured gels for the restoration of textiles. An ongoing study case
Licia Triolo, Textiles conservator, OPD, Florence
From Copts findings to fragile eighteenth century silk: first experiences with Hydrogels in the preservation of some textiles
Roberta Genta, Textiles restoration workshop coordinator, CCR Centro Conservazione Restauro “La VenariaReale”
15:50-16:00 Questions
15:50-16:10 Coffee break
Antonio Sgamellotti, Accademia dei Lincei, Università di Perugia
Alkaline nanoparticles for the protection of cellulose-based substrates against acidity
Rodorico Giorgi, PhD, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
The use of nanosystems for pressure sensitive tape removal from contemporary drawings with ball-point pen and felt-tip pen
Antonio Mirabile, Conservator, Paris
Metal nanoparticles and Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering (SERS) for the analysis of commercial inks
Daniela Iacopino, PhD, Research Scientist, Tyndall National Institute, University College, Cork, Ireland
Nanotechnology and the Conservation of the twentieth century art: l’Atelier by Pablo Picasso and Two by Jackson Pollock
Luciano Pensabene Buemi, Head of conservation – Collezione Peggy Guggenheim, Venice
17:30-17:40 Questions
12 May 2017, friday
Antonio Rava, Conservator, IGIIC Vice president
New strategies for the development of multifunctional polymeric coatings for the protection of contemporary works of art based on metals or plastics
Marino Lavorgna, Researcher, IPCB-CNR and WP leader of WP4 focused on coatings in Nanorestart project;
Martina Salzano de Luna, Researcher, IPCB-CNR
Innovative protective materials for the conservation of modern copper-based works of art
Gabriella di Carlo PhD, Researcher, CNR e ISMN
Gabriel Maria Ingo, PhD, Research Director, CNR – ISM
Nanocellulose as reinforcing agent for weaved materials: can we consolidate canvas with nanofibers?
Romain Bordes, PhD, Project Leader, Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenbourg, Sweden
Consolidation and deacidification of cellulose-based materials
Giovanna Poggi, PhD, CSGI – Department of Chemistry University of Florence
Love Me. The emblematic restoration of a multi-material sculpture by British artist Sarah Lucas
Fabiola Rocco, Conservator, Torino
10:40-10:55 Questions
10:55-11:10 Coffee break
Oscar Chiantore, INSTM – Department of Chemistry University of Torino & S.U.S.C.O.R.
Nanomaterials for the consolidation and protection of stones
Lucia Toniolo, Politecnico di Milano, Full Professor of Material Science and Technology
TiO2 based nanocomposites for the protection of stones: in situ application and evaluation
Francesca Gherardi, Politecnico di Milano, Post-doc of Materials Science and Technology
Removal of unwanted graffiti from porous and sensitive surfaces
Yvonne Shashoua, PhD, Senior Research Scientist, Conservation and Natural Sciences, National Museumof Denmark
Environmental impact assessment supporting the development of safer nano-based formulations for the restoration of works of art
Elena Semenzin, PhD, Senior Post-doc, University Ca’ Foscari, Venice
12:30-12:45 Questions
12:45-14:00 Lunch
Debate on validation protocols of new materials and transfer methods to end-users
Moderators: Grazia de Cesare, Conservator, Rome;Lorenzo Apollonia, Head of Chemistry Laboratory CCR Centro ConservazioneRestauro “La VenariaReale, IGIIC President
15:30-15:45 Coffe break